Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Why The Bubble...

Well, some of you noted that I had in fact changed the title of this blog, from Aquí y Ahora to La Burbuja (The bubble). Why? you ask... well aside from the fact that Here and Now is a little overused, and that it occurred to me when I didn't even knew if I was going to keep the blog, some of the things I am writing aren't really Here and now...

The Bubble comes from this theory of mine... well, not actually a theory, just the way I like to see the world. And it is the idea that every single one of us lives in a bubble, a permeable bubble. This bubble is our universe, sort of, and we are in the centre of it (and yes Lino, that is why I think everything revolves around me), however the bubbles can overlap or not touch at all, think of it as a 3D Venn diagram if you may. So every time I am out on the street I see people (well not actually, I am not THAT crazy) inside their bubbles and wonder about what happens inside them, and about the fact that our bubbles will never touch, most likely.

So to make the story short, this blog has been about my bubble and what goes on inside it… thus the name change!


Blogger Mario said...

Just for Now I can say that I live in the bubble, not because of me having a Happy life, but because I live in Kitsilano, which has been christened by Leticia as "The Bubble".

11:56 a.m.  

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