Monday, August 29, 2005

Coming soon....

Bueno, pues al fin si vine a Mexico... ahora mismo ando por casa de Raquel en Puebla. Entonces ya pronto detalles del paseo y fotos!

So I did manage to get to Mexico, at the moment I am at Raquel's house in Puebla (my last stop). So coming soon details of this trip and pictures!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

De las cosas que me dan mal genio...

En general es difícil que ande de mal genio... y bueno hay cosas que me molestan, pero lo que más me molesta es cuando algo no resulta por pura estupidez mía.
Al fin y al cabo hay situaciones en las que uno no puede hacer nada y ni vale la pena molestarse...
En fin... la pendejada del día fue no haberme fijado en el horario exacto de atención de la embajada Mexicana... porque se supone que hoy me decían si me daban o no la visa... y resulta que llegué 20 minutos tarde... y ni modos me toca esperar a que me den la razón mañana. Afortunadamente todavía tengo plazo para sacar el tiquete, en caso de que la respuesta sea positiva. Pero la incertidumbre me hace la vida cuadritos... y todo es culpa de mi despiste.... bueno... ya mañana veremos.
Y aunque no es el fin del mundo... estoy de mal genio.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

From Cartagena...

I am writing from Cartagena, it is more than 30 degrees outside. I am here with my mom and my little sister, Pillú. Actually I was just brought here to baby-sit, since my mom came to work and didn’t have anyone to leave my sister with. I have not been able to do anything in the past few days, it is so hot that the only thing I can manage is lie around. Even coming up with something to write has been difficult. However, I do think I have been silent for too long… I guess no one actually visits this blog anymore, and that’s why I thought I ought to try to scribble something.

So now…I’m going to fill people in on what I have been doing the past few weeks…. Not much really. I have been to a few job interviews, and will find out something next week. I have been trying to get the Mexican visa, to be able to go to Lino and Marcela’s wedding… we’ll see… I need a work certificate to apply, but it’s kind of hard without a job… and if I do get a job, then it is unlikely I will be able to ask for vacation right away, I’ll try nevertheless (to apply for the visa).

Here, some more pictures of Perú, some of a Off road 4X4 course I got in (with Gus and his cousins), and a couple from Cartagena.


En la ciudad amurallada / within the walled city
Pillú en la playa / Pillú at the beach

Pillú at the beach Posted by Picasa

Frente al museo de la Inquisici�n Posted by Picasa

La bahia / The bay Posted by Picasa

Con Dormelina Posted by Picasa


Karime al volante!!!!

More Perú...

Líneas de Nazca... La Ballena / The whale... a ver si la ven!

Vista de la ventana en el hotel en Puerto Inca

Puerto Inca

Machu Picchu

Llamas vía Puno Posted by Picasa

El Gus vía Puno Posted by Picasa

Arequipa Posted by Picasa

Monasterio de Santa Catalina Posted by Picasa

Monasterio de Santa Catalina - Arequipa Posted by Picasa

El Gus en Puno... comiendo pizza de aceitunas con cerveza cusque�a Posted by Picasa

Islas Flotantes / Floating islands in lake Titicaca Posted by Picasa

En el l�mite entre Puno y Cusco Posted by Picasa

Cusco Posted by Picasa

La tìpica / The usual pic... Posted by Picasa

Pa probar que si fuimos... and now with the proof we were there  Posted by Picasa

Piedra de la energía Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 01, 2005

After a long silence

Well, I owed some photos from Peru that I finally managed to upload. Here they are.


Lake Titicaca

Arequipa, Monasterio de Santa Catalina

Reserva Natural Paracas

I'll post some more later on.... with greater updates....
Adopté un fetito de ángel... jeje!